Biking several miles at a local Greensboro park, stopping only long enough to cook hotdogs, is how Trenton likes to spend time with his Big Brother.  Getting out and expending energy during their Saturday afternoons together is one of the goals they are working toward this year.  Yet something else they like is creating/doing something with their hands and voila you have a birdhouse to hang in the tree outside your apartment window.  Trenton visits his birdhouse regularly to check for any new life living there.  Another goal of theirs is simply learning a new skill.

Trenton is a ten year old trying to get acclimated in a new city, a new school and with new friends after settling down with mom and siblings in south Greensboro.  Having Ken in his life to encourage school attendance and proper study skills (academics is third goal) has been an invaluable experience alongside the fun stuff.

A picture speaks a thousand words, so check out these two.  Yes.  Mentoring does allow lasting magical moments in a child’s life.